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Radio gelap, arsip penyiaran dan sensor Orba

Podcasts 14 Apr 23 0

Sora Gia on Jurnalisme Serbatidak 2023, menyiarkan obrolan Peloggia (salah satu peserta SSD 2023) dengan seorang Manajer Program Radio Star FM Yogyakarta. Deni artha atau kerap di sapa Romo oleh Gia dan rekan penyiar Star FM lainnya ini, sesekali masih aktif siaran untuk beberapa talkshow instansi pemerintahan atau saat penyiar lainnya berhalangan hadir. Bahkan sampai saat ini, dirinya masih aktif memantau segala program yang dijalankan Gia di radio Star FM. 

Perjalanan Denie Artha dengan radio, didasari alasan klise. Yaitu, karena memang dirinya pendengar radio aktif dan suka menulis. Kesukaan itu lah yang membuat dirinya mempelajari ilmu komunikasi dan mendalami bidang jurnalistik secara formal. Diawali, dengan menceburkan diri ke salah satu radio kampus UGM di sekitar tahun 94. Denie melanjutkan perjalanannya dengan kegelapan, karena kala itu radio kampus belum memiliki izin dan dianggap radio gelap. Tapi kegelapan itu, membuka perjalanannya untuk beriringan dan menjadi bagian dari beberapa peristiwa di akhir masa orba dan awal reformasi yang sudah terekam dalam obrolan kali ini. Antara lain seperti sensor pemerintah, perkembangan iklan, intonasi penyiar, dan lain-lain. Untuk mendengar lebih lanjut jejak rekam mengenai Radio gelap, arsip penyiaran dan sensor orba.

Foto dokumentasi pribadi Denie Artha saat siaran di Radio Swaragama

Perekaman: Dalatina Peloggia Gustianingsih

Penyuntingan: Dalatina Peloggia Gustianingsih dan Fiky Daulay

Live Streaming Tropical Dissonance: Decolonizing knowledge through ethnographic archives

News 30 May 17 0

Tuesday 6th June 2017, 11am – 4pm,
Tropenmuseum, Linnaeusstraat 2, 1092 CK Amsterdam

Heterotropics and the Research Center for Material Culture are pleased to announce the symposium Tropical Dissonance: Decolonizing knowledge through ethnographic archives on Tuesday June 6th. The symposium is organized with the research collective KUNCI Cultural Studies Center (Yogyakarta, Indonesia) as a concluding event of their residency project at the Tropenmuseum. Tropical Dissonance brings together scholars, curators and artists from a wide range of practices to explore the intersections between decolonial research, artistic practices and alternative knowledge production. Focusing on the use of ethnographic objects, or more broadly colonial archives in imperial and post imperial knowledge formation, we want to explore the multiple, often hidden, fractured legacies of this colonial past in the present and its impact on how we understand the world today. The contributors of this symposium will discuss various methodologies of studying colonial archives and epistemologies, through different sensorial approaches and experiences.

During the symposium speakers will address questions such as:
1 — If to study is understood as a practice of reflection that involves the interplay between learning and unlearning, what are the modes of study that we can utilize to better understand colonial pasts in the present? What modes of learning or unlearning should we employ to achieve a decolonial practice?
2 — How can we reclaim and reconfigure the ambivalence of colonial desire in its attempts to both “civilize” and “appropriate” otherness through representational economies of education, collection, dispossession and exhibition?
3 — How can we activate the ruins of ethnographic and archival gaze as a means to reorganize knowledge circulations between the tropics and the metropolis from the inside out?
4 — How do these shifting relationships affect the material life of objects (collection, commodity, archive, artefact) and practices of mediation (language, aesthetics, research)?

The symposium will start with a conversation between KUNCI and Wayne Modest (Head of the Research Center for Material Culture, which takes as a point of departure, KUNCI’s observations, findings and questions generated over the six weeks of the residency.

If you wish to attend this event, please send an email to [email protected]. Due to a limited number of seats, reservation is mandatory.

Schedule — Tuesday 6th June 2017
11 am – 12 noon KUNCI in conversation with Wayne Modest
1 pm – 1.30 pm Introduction by Ferdi Thajib and Sara Giannini
1.30 pm – 2.30 pm Panel 1: On Listening, with Adam Bobbette, Carolyn Birdsall and Wendelien van Oldenborgh. Moderated by Syafiatudina.
2.30 pm – 2.50 pm Break
2.50 pm – 3.50 pm Panel 2: On Looking, with Pamela Pattynama, Paul Bijl, Wim Manuhutu. Moderated by Brigitta Isabella.
3.50 pm – 4.30 pm Conversation on Exhibiting and Sensing with Fiky Daulay, Nuraini Juliastuti, and Pim Westerkamp. Moderated by Sara Giannini.

This event will be broadcasted live through Radio KUNCI. Podcasts from this research residency are also available in Radio KUNCI.

About Heterotropics #2
The Research Center for Material Culture in collaboration with the research platform Heterotropics, invited KUNCI Cultural Studies Center to be Researchers in Residence at the Tropenmuseum for the period May – June 2017. Heterotropics is curated by Sara Giannini in collaboration with TAAK. KUNCI’s residency project has been done with the kind support of the Research Center for Material Culture, Amsterdamse Fonds voor de Kunst, and Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds.

Photo information: Stand of the education system in the Dutch East Indies in the second Dutch pavilion on the Colonial World Exhibition in Paris, 1931. Archive of Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Klub Numpang Baca di Pos Ronda Mantrijeron

News 16 Apr 17 0

Agenda Live Streaming selanjutnya: Kamis, 20 April 2017, 15.00 – 17.00 WIB

Kali ini, Klub Numpang Baca akan mendiskusikan dua teks. Teks pertama adalah satu bab dari buku Rudolf Mrazek, Engineer of Happy Land, Perkembangan Teknologi dan Nasionalisme di sebuah Koloni, yang berjudul Mari Menjadi Mekanik Radio, hal. 221-259, terbitan Penerbit Obor, Jakarta, tahun 2006. Teks kedua berjudul Reflections on Radio oleh Walter Benjamin yang diambil dari buku Radio Benjamin (ed. Lecia Rosenthal, terj. Jonathan Lutes, et.al), London: Verso, 2014, hal. 363-364.

Klub Numpang Baca menyusun rute-rute spekulatif yang mempertemukan riuh rendah makna dalam teori dan wacana dengan hingar bingar suasana di ruang privat dan publik sebuah kota. Perjalanan akan kita tempuh dengan menumpang pada bahu raksasa pengetahuan-pengetahuan yang terdahulu, dengan bimbingan kenyamanan atau ketidaknyamanan yang dapat ditawarkan oleh suatu tempat.